Tips to Prepare for Wisdom Tooth Surgery

It is not uncommon to find many people needing wisdom tooth removal. Sydney dental clinics and hospitals regularly perform such surgeries as out-patient procedures with minimal pain and complications and patients can go home after a few hours. In order to prepare and recuperate fast, follow these basic tips:

Setting up an Appointment

Before the surgery, you will need to set up an appointment with your dentist or oral surgeon, who will check your complete oral health and then set a date. Try to have the surgery on a day that allows you to rest, like a Thursday or Friday.

Questions to Ask

Ask the dentist questions regarding the type of anaesthesia to be used, the likely complications, the duration of the procedure, your on-going prescription medications, etc. If general anaesthesia is to be used then you will need to fast from the night before. Patients must also find out about wisdom teeth removal cost. Sydney dental clinics can provide you with the details.

Preparations and Precautions

Stock up on essential things the day before. Buy food that is easy to eat and don’t require chewing, like chicken soup, yogurt, canned fruit, pudding or cottage cheese. Dental clinics aim to perform extraction with the least pain but make sure you have someone to drive you back home since you will be in discomfort and may experience nausea and grogginess from the anaesthesia.

Wisdom tooth removal is a simple procedure and you will heal quickly if you take rest and follow instructions given by your dentist.