wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney

We all have heard the horror stories of people how have had their wisdom teeth removed. Many of those stories include the inconvenience of oral surgery and painful dry socket. Of course, pulling out your wisdom teeth is not a particularly enjoyable experience. But, not two patients are same. Wisdom teeth removal doesn’t have to be a painful experience.

In fact, only a very small percentage about 2% to 3% of people develop dry socket after a wisdom tooth extraction. In those who have it, it can be uncomfortable. But, fortunately, it can be treated.

Is dry socket common?

If you have recently extracted your wisdom teeth, you may develop dry socket. Even though it is the most common complication of tooth removal, it is still relatively rare. The type of tooth removal determines how likely you are experiencing a dry socket. However, dry socket is more likely to develop after a wisdom tooth is removed.

When a tooth is removed, a blood clot is supposed to form to protect the hole in the gums as it heals. If the blood clot is dislodged from the gums or if it doesn’t have formed, it can create a dry socket leaving bones and nervous exposed. If it is left untreated, it can lead to infection and other complications.

How to identify dry socket?

Signs and symptoms of dry socket include:

  • Intense pain within a few days after extracting your wisdom teeth
  • Visible bone in the socket
  • Partial or complete loss of the blood clot at the tooth extraction site
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Bad breath coming from your mouth

If you have any of these symptoms after extracting your wisdom teeth, visit your dentist immediately to get it treated.

What are the causes of dry socket?

Researchers suspects that specific issues may be involved including bacterial contamination of the socket and trauma at the surgical site from a difficult extraction, as with an impacted wisdom teeth.

The following are the factors that increase the risk of developing dry socket

  • Smoking: Chemicals in cigarettes may prevent or slow healing and contaminate the wound site. The sucking motion can dislodge the blood clot and develop dry socket. Avoid smoking after removing your teeth.
  • Poor oral hygiene: Failing to follow post-care operative instructions and poor oral hygiene may increase the risk of dry socket.
  • Gum infection: infection around the tooth extraction site can increase the risk of dry socket.

Treatment of dry socket:

The wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney is affordable, and your dentist will prescribe antibacterial mouthwash, oral antibiotics, and antiseptic solutions to heal quickly.

Follow the post-operative care instructions given by your dentist to prevent dry socket after extracting your wisdom teeth.  Proper at-home care after a tooth extraction helps promote healing and damage to the wound.