Dentist treating the patient

First of all, you should know that the majority of dental implants are successful. Only approximately 5% will result in failure. Those statistics make dental implants a practical option to replace missing teeth and you should not be afraid to bear the dental implants cost. Despite the low rate of failure, it is good to understand what it is, what causes it and how you can recognise the symptoms of failure.

What is Dental Implant Failure?

This is a complication arising after the dental implants surgery which makes it necessary for the surgeon to either redo the operation or remove the implant permanently. Dental failure is categorised in two ways. The first one is an early failure and the other is a late failure. Both of these have different symptoms. Early dental implant failure occurs within 12 to 16 weeks from the surgery. This can be caused by incorrect procedures, though there are cases where the operated area fails to heal despite proper care.

Common causes of early implant failure despite proper care include:

  • General health problems
  • Medication being taken for other ailments like osteoporosis
  • Movement of the implant before the wound has healed
  • Infections that occurred before the surgery
  • Nerve damage caused during surgery
  • Titanium allergy

Late dental implant failure, on the other hand, will occur a year or more after the procedure is completed. In most cases, this will happen if the patient does not follow the dentist’s advice for proper oral care.

Common causes of late implant failure include:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Grinding of teeth
  • An infection that affects the gums
  • Massive bone loss around the implant
  • Exposure to radiation especially to the head and neck

The most common cause of failure is due to the bacterial infection. The infection can occur during the surgery if the bacteria end up on the implant before the surgery. When you opt for cheap dental implants, you may avoid such infections. The infection can even cause bone loss. Professional dentists, however, are aware of these risks and take every measure to prevent them from occurring.

Symptoms of Implant Failure

If you ever experience any of the following symptoms after an implant procedure, return to the dentist for immediate attention:

  1. Swelling of the gums
  2. Extreme pain and discomfort around the area where the implant was put
  3. Shaking of the implant

Implants are supposed to be as firm as the other teeth in the mouth if they begin to shake like a tooth that is about to fall off, then you need to see the dentist again.

How to care for Implants?

The right care for implants can prevent implant failure. The dentist will advise you to brush your teeth twice a day and floss as well to ensure infections do not set in. It is also advised that you do not miss your dental check-ups as the dentist can see what may be wrong before it gets worse. Now that you know how to prevent failure, you can plan to have dental implants carried out to replace your missing teeth.